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Results for "keyword: "supernatural""
Fail to realize we are in the presence of the holy Fail to realize we are in the presence of the holy
The Girl from Nowhere A lonely old man is revitalized by a homeless young woman who becomes his muse, his editor, and his angel.
Darling Companion A Lawrence-Kasdan directed dramody about how a lost dog helps a long-married couple find their way back to each other.
Magic in the Moonlight A delightful romantic comedy with enchanting performances by Emma Stone and Colin Firth.
Take Back What the Devil Stole How violence and the urge for revenge continue even on subtle planes.
Practical Magic Mixes equal elements of clairvoyance, suspense and the supernatural.
Synchronicity A story, quotes, books, readings, and films about those happenings that signal the hidden meanings in the universe.
The Sense of Being Stared At A strong explanation of the reality of telepathy and other ways our minds go beyond our bodies.
Brain Wars A call for a new paradigm of the role of consciousness in the universe.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull An adventure reviving our fondness for this hero and his improvised way of handling the dangers that come his way.